Hello! I know its been quite some time, but here is a little sneak peak of what has been going on! I want to do some Before & After posts because, let's be real I have so many of them coming your way! I know super exciting!!! Without further do , lets get started. Here is our family restroom this is the restroom that gets used & abused , we don't have a Master bathroom in the bedroom so this bathroom is shared between me and my husband and two kids. We eventually want to redo the Entire bathroom but for now we can only do small changes so we can spend some of the $$$ on other things.
Main Bathroom Progress
Painted cabinets & Medicine Cabinet & Walls
Added Knobs
New curtains
Then I found this handy dandy piece. I don't have a Linen closet so I definitely needed some kind of storage.
This is what I was using to display the cotton swabs meanwhile I found THE ones.
It didn't take long before I found them! I bought them individually online.
Here they are nicely displayed.

The Lovely Side by Side!
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